VMI Cyber Corps

Alumni and Friends of VMI:

Cyber Corps Ranks: As of this writing our Cyber Corps numbers 327.

Changes of Not?: Seems there are some rumors floating around about some changes in the wind down at the Institute. I heard a rumor that the physical training standards would be changed for women (i.e. eased a little bit). This IS NOT the case. One rumor had it that women would only be required to complete 3 pull ups as opposed to the standard 5 for men. Not true. Standards will be the same. Heck, I think I could still complete 5 pull ups. But don't test me on that.

Also, haircut standards for men and women rats will be the same. The standard is "closely cropped and functional." Consideration is also being given toward loosening up haircut length restriction after first month or so in the rat line. Rationale seems to be that when rats return home on Christmas furlough that the cue ball look ain't real conducive to recuriting. I would tend to agree with this.

Haircut standards for female members of the upper classes dictate that no restraining devices be used such as barrettes, combs, hairpins, etc. are allowed. Hair is gonna be short, off the collar, etc.

Speaking of Changes - The Old Corps Revisited: I received an e-mail from Jim Harrington '49A explaining how rats in the Old Corps were "released" from the rat line. His e-mail, in part, reads:
"At the end of my Rat year, the upper classes decided when to let us out. The rite of passage in those days was "running the gauntlet." All the upper classes would form in a double line--some with wooden paddles, the officers with their leather belts and most with bedroll straps. The entire rat class - one at a time - must run the entire length of the Corps. At that time, it was rather small, and the whole event took place in the courtyard. There was no holding back - or none was apparent. We ran, we were "stroked", and we got out of the Rat line at the end."

Thanks for sharing that bit of VMI history Mr. Harrington.

Speaking of VMI History: I'm interested in alums sharing VMI historical tidbits with our group. If you have any that you'd like to share, pass them along to me and I'll share with the Cyber Corps. Now that I think about it, would someone take the time to explain to me how VMI has classes of '49A, B & C. I know it had to do with the war and all that, but what distinguished any one of these classes from the other two?

The Video: I suppose most of us have received and viewed the latest VMI video. I'd like your opinion on what you thought about it.

Changes in Barracks: John Piedmont '89 recently provided some information relative to some of the structural changes being made in barracks to accomodate the assimilation of women. Much of the following information will appear in the next issue of the Alumni Review. John's remarks follow:

Let me start by asking everyone if any of their cadet rooms were numbers -56 or -58 on any stoop or in the sinks? (Right next to the showers.) If so, I've got some bad news. Numbers -56 and -58 will be the women's showers and bathrooms.

It was quickly discovered that just adding all the fixtures of the stalls and showers might be too much weight for the old floors and walls. So they decided to make this a sort of free-standing structure within the existing walls. Picture it in your mind: the new fixtures will be stacked one on top of the other all the way down to the sinks. Both showers and toilets will be fixed onto new block walls inside the rooms. These walls will run from floor to ceiling, and their weight will be borne by the corresponding walls immediately below them. Below all of it, the weight will rest on separate footings dug into the floors of the sinks rooms.

And what did they find when they tore up the floors in the sinks? Well, it's not called *Rock*bridge County for nothing. So instead of a four-day job to dig the trenches for the footings, it took the construction company FOUR WEEKS to hew trenches three feet down into the solid limestone with jack-hammers and hand tools.

The site supervisor said the noise and vibration were incredible-- as you can imagine-- but the cadets did not disrupt his work, as he had been warned to expect.

The work is back on track after a few delays and they expect to finish by June, if not sooner. The work in Cocke Hall is still in the first phase, and will really start going in the next few months. That too should be finished this summer. I believe that was outlined in a letter sent all alumni, but basically they are gutting the third floor of Cocke Hall, building new showers, bathrooms, and dressing rooms for men and women, improving the corridors and access, and then building new classrooms.

If you get a chance to go see barracks while the construction is going on, I suggest you do so. I hope this shines some light on what's happening.

Thanks to John for providing this update.

Job Opportunity: Mike McCarthy writes that there is another job opening with his organization. They're looking for an entry level software/hardware technician. Job requires BS/BA in computer science. Person will serve as assistant Systems Administrator in their JANUS/JCM branch. Understanding is needed re: VAX-VMS and UNIX operating systems. Knowledge of NOVELL network and WIN95 would make candidate more competitive. Great job for someone right out of college looking for experience. Full time position that pays in the mid 25K range. If interested, call Mike at (206) 967-4240 or e-mail him at blklion05@aol.com for more info.

That's all for now.

Yours in the Spirit,
RB Lane '75

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Last Updated: October 11, 2009

Site Created by: Richard L. Neff II, '90 - Network Technologies Group